With the rules used in the previous posts. I think I'll start forming a little noun list. Already one sees a little bit of collision between the Latin and Greek vocabulary. For instance,
ore can refer to both
mouth, derived from the Latin
os/oris, or
mountain, derived from the Greek
oros/orus. But there's no reason why a language can't have homonyms.
Parentheses indicate nominative which may be difficult to decipher directly from the Vulgare root word. We'll assume words ending in -o, -e, -u, are masculine and words ending in -a are feminine unless otherwise stated. The list is made up of words derived from both Latin and Greek. If the Greek origin of the word is not apparent from the spelling, I put a small g after the definition. Very similar Latin and Greek words are placed on the same definition, with the Greek-derived word being the latter form (as in nocte/nycte).
acropole - f. citadel, g; adultero - adulterer; aede - f. shame, g; aeone - age, g; aequore - sea; aevo - age; agricola - m. farmer; agro (ager) - field; alvo - f. belly; amne - river; anate - duck; andre (aner) - man, g; animale - animal; anthropo - human; ape - bee; apice (apex) - peak; arce (arx) - f. citadel; arte (ars) - art; arto - bread, g; aste (asty) - city; atomo - f. atom; aure - ear; auturgo - farmer, g; ave - bird; axe, axone - axle;
base - f. base, g; basile - king, g; beche (bex) - cough; bello - war; biblio - f. book, g; bove - ox, cow; bure - plow-beam;
caede - f. slaughter; calcare - spur; cane/cyne - dog; capite (caput) - head; carbaso - f. flax; carne (caro) - f. flesh; cepo - garden, g; chora - land; clave - key; cleide - key, g; colle - hill; colo - f. distaff; cone - dust, g; corde (cor) - heart; crate - hurdle; crena - fountain, g; crito - judge, g; custode (custos) - guard; cyclo - circle;
dea - goddess; dente (dens) - tooth; deo - god; die (dies) - day; diphthongo - f. diphthong; dono - gift; doro - gift, g; dote - dowry; duce (dux) - leader; dulo - slave, g;
elpide (elpis) - f. hope, g; epeiro - f. mainland, g; equo - horse; erote (eros) - love, g; ethno - race; etho - custom;
fasce - bundle; fonte (fons) - fountain; febre - fever; femore (femur) - thigh; filio - son; fructu - fruit;
gea - ground, g; genere/gene - race; genero - son-in-law; gente - tribe; genu - knee; georgo - farmer, g; geronte (geron) - old man, g; gnatho - f. jaw; grammatica - grammar, g; grave? (graus) - f. old woman, g; gynaece (gyne) - f. woman;
haemate (haema) - blood, g; hegemone - leader, g; helicia - time of life, g; helo - nail, g; heo - f. dawn, g; heroe - hero, g; hippo - horse, g; hodo - f. way, g; honore - honor; horto - garden; hoste - enemy; huio - son, g; humo - f. ground;
ichthye - fish; igne - fire; ingenio - talent; itinere (iter) - road; juvene - youth;
lago - hare, g; lampade (lampas) - torch, g; lapide (lapis) - stone; leo - people, g; leone, leonte (leon) - lion; lintre - skiff; litho - stone; logo - word, g; lopho - hill;
manu - f. hand; mare - sea; matre/metre (mater/meter) - f. mother; melissa - bee, g; mense/mene - month; mente - mind; mero - thigh, g; milite (miles) - soldier; monte (mons) mountain; more - custom; morte - death; musica - music, g;
naide (nais) - f. naiad, g; nauta - m. sailor; nave? (naus) - f. ship, g; neanio - young man, g; neo - temple, g; neso - f. island, g; nessa - duck; nio - son, g; nocte/nycte (nox/nyx)- f. night; nomine (nomen) - name; nomo - custom, g; noo (nus) - mind, g; noso - f. disease, g;
ochlo - crowd; odonte (odus) - tooth, g; onomate (onoma) - name, g; onyche (onyx) - fingernail; opere (opus) - work; orbe - circle; ore (oros) - mountain, g; ore (os) - mouth; ornithe (ornis) - bird; osse (os) - bone; osteo - bone, g; ote (us) - ear, g; ove - sheep;
paede (paes) - boy, g; pane - bread; parte (pars) - part; patre (pater) - father; pede/pode (pes/pus) - foot; pega - fountain, g; peithe - f. persuasion; pelago - sea, g; pelve - basin; pisce - fish; pharmaco - poison; pherna - dowry; phono - slaughter; phylace (phylax) - guard; phylo - tribe; plintho - f. brick; pole - f. city, g; polemio - enemy, g; polemo - war, g; pollice (pollex) - thumb; ponte (pons) - bridge; porta - gate; poste - post; potamo - river, g; principe (princeps) - cheif; psepho - f. pebble, vote; puero (puer) - boy; pulve - dust; puppe - stern; pyla - gate; pyre (pyr) - fire;
re (res) - f. thing; rege (rex) - king; remige (remex) - rower; reste - rope; rhetore - speaker; rhetorica - rhetoric; rosa - rose;
sangue - blood; sarce - f. flesh, g; secure - axe; sedile - seat; semente - sowing; sene (senex) - old man; sente - brier; servo - servant; site - thirst; socero - fater-in-law; somate (soma) - body, g; sono - sound; sorte - lot; sphaga - slaughter; stratioto - soldier, g; sue (sus) - swine;
techna - art; thalassa - sea; thanato - death; thea - goddess; theo - god; thygatere - daughter; tigre - tiger, g; tima - honor, g; torre - brand; triere - f. trireme, g; trude - pole; tusse - f. cough;
ungue - nail; valgo - crowd; vanno - f. winnowing fan; vecte - lever; vertice (vertex) - summit; vespera/hespera - evening; victore - conqueror; vigile (vigil) - fireman; viro (vir) - man;
zoo - animal, g;