Parentheses indicate nominative which may be difficult to decipher directly from the Vulgare root word. We'll assume words ending in -o, -e, -u, are masculine and words ending in -a are feminine unless otherwise stated. The list is made up of words derived from both Latin and Greek. If the Greek origin of the word is not apparent from the spelling, I put a small g after the definition. Very similar Latin and Greek words are placed on the same definition, with the Greek-derived word being the latter form (as in nocte/nycte).
acropole - f. citadel, g; adultero - adulterer; aede - f. shame, g; aeone - age, g; aequore - sea; aevo - age; agricola - m. farmer; agro (ager) - field; alvo - f. belly; amne - river; anate - duck; andre (aner) - man, g; animale - animal; anthropo - human; ape - bee; apice (apex) - peak; arce (arx) - f. citadel; arte (ars) - art; arto - bread, g; aste (asty) - city; atomo - f. atom; aure - ear; auturgo - farmer, g; ave - bird; axe, axone - axle;
base - f. base, g; basile - king, g; beche (bex) - cough; bello - war; biblio - f. book, g; bove - ox, cow; bure - plow-beam;
caede - f. slaughter; calcare - spur; cane/cyne - dog; capite (caput) - head; carbaso - f. flax; carne (caro) - f. flesh; cepo - garden, g; chora - land; clave - key; cleide - key, g; colle - hill; colo - f. distaff; cone - dust, g; corde (cor) - heart; crate - hurdle; crena - fountain, g; crito - judge, g; custode (custos) - guard; cyclo - circle;
dea - goddess; dente (dens) - tooth; deo - god; die (dies) - day; diphthongo - f. diphthong; dono - gift; doro - gift, g; dote - dowry; duce (dux) - leader; dulo - slave, g;
elpide (elpis) - f. hope, g; epeiro - f. mainland, g; equo - horse; erote (eros) - love, g; ethno - race; etho - custom;
fasce - bundle; fonte (fons) - fountain; febre - fever; femore (femur) - thigh; filio - son; fructu - fruit;
gea - ground, g; genere/gene - race; genero - son-in-law; gente - tribe; genu - knee; georgo - farmer, g; geronte (geron) - old man, g; gnatho - f. jaw; grammatica - grammar, g; grave? (graus) - f. old woman, g; gynaece (gyne) - f. woman;
haemate (haema) - blood, g; hegemone - leader, g; helicia - time of life, g; helo - nail, g; heo - f. dawn, g; heroe - hero, g; hippo - horse, g; hodo - f. way, g; honore - honor; horto - garden; hoste - enemy; huio - son, g; humo - f. ground;
ichthye - fish; igne - fire; ingenio - talent; itinere (iter) - road; juvene - youth;
lago - hare, g; lampade (lampas) - torch, g; lapide (lapis) - stone; leo - people, g; leone, leonte (leon) - lion; lintre - skiff; litho - stone; logo - word, g; lopho - hill;
manu - f. hand; mare - sea; matre/metre (mater/meter) - f. mother; melissa - bee, g; mense/mene - month; mente - mind; mero - thigh, g; milite (miles) - soldier; monte (mons) mountain; more - custom; morte - death; musica - music, g;
naide (nais) - f. naiad, g; nauta - m. sailor; nave? (naus) - f. ship, g; neanio - young man, g; neo - temple, g; neso - f. island, g; nessa - duck; nio - son, g; nocte/nycte (nox/nyx)- f. night; nomine (nomen) - name; nomo - custom, g; noo (nus) - mind, g; noso - f. disease, g;
ochlo - crowd; odonte (odus) - tooth, g; onomate (onoma) - name, g; onyche (onyx) - fingernail; opere (opus) - work; orbe - circle; ore (oros) - mountain, g; ore (os) - mouth; ornithe (ornis) - bird; osse (os) - bone; osteo - bone, g; ote (us) - ear, g; ove - sheep;
paede (paes) - boy, g; pane - bread; parte (pars) - part; patre (pater) - father; pede/pode (pes/pus) - foot; pega - fountain, g; peithe - f. persuasion; pelago - sea, g; pelve - basin; pisce - fish; pharmaco - poison; pherna - dowry; phono - slaughter; phylace (phylax) - guard; phylo - tribe; plintho - f. brick; pole - f. city, g; polemio - enemy, g; polemo - war, g; pollice (pollex) - thumb; ponte (pons) - bridge; porta - gate; poste - post; potamo - river, g; principe (princeps) - cheif; psepho - f. pebble, vote; puero (puer) - boy; pulve - dust; puppe - stern; pyla - gate; pyre (pyr) - fire;
re (res) - f. thing; rege (rex) - king; remige (remex) - rower; reste - rope; rhetore - speaker; rhetorica - rhetoric; rosa - rose;
sangue - blood; sarce - f. flesh, g; secure - axe; sedile - seat; semente - sowing; sene (senex) - old man; sente - brier; servo - servant; site - thirst; socero - fater-in-law; somate (soma) - body, g; sono - sound; sorte - lot; sphaga - slaughter; stratioto - soldier, g; sue (sus) - swine;
techna - art; thalassa - sea; thanato - death; thea - goddess; theo - god; thygatere - daughter; tigre - tiger, g; tima - honor, g; torre - brand; triere - f. trireme, g; trude - pole; tusse - f. cough;
ungue - nail; valgo - crowd; vanno - f. winnowing fan; vecte - lever; vertice (vertex) - summit; vespera/hespera - evening; victore - conqueror; vigile (vigil) - fireman; viro (vir) - man;
base - f. base, g; basile - king, g; beche (bex) - cough; bello - war; biblio - f. book, g; bove - ox, cow; bure - plow-beam;
caede - f. slaughter; calcare - spur; cane/cyne - dog; capite (caput) - head; carbaso - f. flax; carne (caro) - f. flesh; cepo - garden, g; chora - land; clave - key; cleide - key, g; colle - hill; colo - f. distaff; cone - dust, g; corde (cor) - heart; crate - hurdle; crena - fountain, g; crito - judge, g; custode (custos) - guard; cyclo - circle;
dea - goddess; dente (dens) - tooth; deo - god; die (dies) - day; diphthongo - f. diphthong; dono - gift; doro - gift, g; dote - dowry; duce (dux) - leader; dulo - slave, g;
elpide (elpis) - f. hope, g; epeiro - f. mainland, g; equo - horse; erote (eros) - love, g; ethno - race; etho - custom;
fasce - bundle; fonte (fons) - fountain; febre - fever; femore (femur) - thigh; filio - son; fructu - fruit;
gea - ground, g; genere/gene - race; genero - son-in-law; gente - tribe; genu - knee; georgo - farmer, g; geronte (geron) - old man, g; gnatho - f. jaw; grammatica - grammar, g; grave? (graus) - f. old woman, g; gynaece (gyne) - f. woman;
haemate (haema) - blood, g; hegemone - leader, g; helicia - time of life, g; helo - nail, g; heo - f. dawn, g; heroe - hero, g; hippo - horse, g; hodo - f. way, g; honore - honor; horto - garden; hoste - enemy; huio - son, g; humo - f. ground;
ichthye - fish; igne - fire; ingenio - talent; itinere (iter) - road; juvene - youth;
lago - hare, g; lampade (lampas) - torch, g; lapide (lapis) - stone; leo - people, g; leone, leonte (leon) - lion; lintre - skiff; litho - stone; logo - word, g; lopho - hill;
manu - f. hand; mare - sea; matre/metre (mater/meter) - f. mother; melissa - bee, g; mense/mene - month; mente - mind; mero - thigh, g; milite (miles) - soldier; monte (mons) mountain; more - custom; morte - death; musica - music, g;
naide (nais) - f. naiad, g; nauta - m. sailor; nave? (naus) - f. ship, g; neanio - young man, g; neo - temple, g; neso - f. island, g; nessa - duck; nio - son, g; nocte/nycte (nox/nyx)- f. night; nomine (nomen) - name; nomo - custom, g; noo (nus) - mind, g; noso - f. disease, g;
ochlo - crowd; odonte (odus) - tooth, g; onomate (onoma) - name, g; onyche (onyx) - fingernail; opere (opus) - work; orbe - circle; ore (oros) - mountain, g; ore (os) - mouth; ornithe (ornis) - bird; osse (os) - bone; osteo - bone, g; ote (us) - ear, g; ove - sheep;
paede (paes) - boy, g; pane - bread; parte (pars) - part; patre (pater) - father; pede/pode (pes/pus) - foot; pega - fountain, g; peithe - f. persuasion; pelago - sea, g; pelve - basin; pisce - fish; pharmaco - poison; pherna - dowry; phono - slaughter; phylace (phylax) - guard; phylo - tribe; plintho - f. brick; pole - f. city, g; polemio - enemy, g; polemo - war, g; pollice (pollex) - thumb; ponte (pons) - bridge; porta - gate; poste - post; potamo - river, g; principe (princeps) - cheif; psepho - f. pebble, vote; puero (puer) - boy; pulve - dust; puppe - stern; pyla - gate; pyre (pyr) - fire;
re (res) - f. thing; rege (rex) - king; remige (remex) - rower; reste - rope; rhetore - speaker; rhetorica - rhetoric; rosa - rose;
sangue - blood; sarce - f. flesh, g; secure - axe; sedile - seat; semente - sowing; sene (senex) - old man; sente - brier; servo - servant; site - thirst; socero - fater-in-law; somate (soma) - body, g; sono - sound; sorte - lot; sphaga - slaughter; stratioto - soldier, g; sue (sus) - swine;
techna - art; thalassa - sea; thanato - death; thea - goddess; theo - god; thygatere - daughter; tigre - tiger, g; tima - honor, g; torre - brand; triere - f. trireme, g; trude - pole; tusse - f. cough;
ungue - nail; valgo - crowd; vanno - f. winnowing fan; vecte - lever; vertice (vertex) - summit; vespera/hespera - evening; victore - conqueror; vigile (vigil) - fireman; viro (vir) - man;
zoo - animal, g;
zoo - animal, g;
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