Sunday, April 17, 2011


I should use this blog just to put up thoughts whenever I like, and writings:

From e.e. cummings poem

Hodie ego
ho morivi
viva sum

"i who have died am alive again today"

The nominative ego and the verb sum from me es are optional (I'll maintain the verb form for es however irregular, as an option).

The verb "to die" will be mori, morivi, mortua. In Latin it's deponent (I die is morior), but this language will attempt to make all deponent verbs into the closest active forms (so "to speak" will be loque or something like it).


Ab ore ad ore potami - From the-mountain to the-mouth of-the-river.
DE, reges reges mundi - Could also be DE, Te rege reges de mundo or God, You rule the-kings of the-world.
Viro es viro - Man is pestilence (haha, for the misandrist type)

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